Configure HTTPD Server and Python Interpreter on Docker Container.

Jagadish Gowda P
4 min readNov 6, 2020

Docker is a set of platform as a service (PaaS) products that use OS-level virtualization to deliver software in packages called containers. Containers are isolated from one another and bundle their own software, libraries and configuration files; they can communicate with each other through well-defined channels. All containers are run by a single operating system kernel and therefore use fewer resources than virtual machines.

Below are some of the advantages of Docker:

How to Install & Run Docker Container in your Linux Terminal?

Follow this steps to configure :

1. Go to link copy this link.

2. Go inside the directory `/etc/yum.repos.d/`

3. Create a file with the extension .repo (ex=docker.repo)

4. Inside docker.repo write the following 👇

Now install Docker using the command :-

yum install docker-ce — nobest — allowerasing

After this commands runs we will complete the installation of Docker

Now we can check the status of the docker by using command:

systemctl status docker

it is inactive(dead) to start this service we use the command:

systemctl start docker

Now download OS image using command:

docker pull os_name:os_version

To check the number of images present

docker images

Now to run the OS use command:

docker run -i -t os_name:os_version

Now check whether you are inside new OS terminal or not,read the file present in /etc/os-release

To check how many os are running use the command:

docker ps

Now let’s Configure HTTPD Server on Docker Container:

To install HTTPD on Docker Container use command

yum install httpd -y

Now start the Webserver using command systemctl start httpd

But , systemctl start httpd command does not work in docker container

To start Webserver use command /usr/sbin/httpd

  • Create Web Page

To create a web page:

1. Go inside the directory /var/www/html

2. Create a HTML file

3. save the file

Now check your IP address so that we can open webpage in browser to check web server is working or not.

To check IP address use command ifconfig

But , In Docker container ifconfig command is not installed

To install ifconfig use command yum install net-tools

Now run ifconfig command and copy IP address and then open browser and paste IPaddres/HTML_file_name

Here yoou can see the web page that we have created opens that means web server is configured successfully.

Now let’s configure Python Interpreter

To install python interpreter use command

yum install python3

To run python interpreter use command python3

Now let’s run python code on the Docker Container

Thank You !!!

